ShoppingShipping Business Model
Deliver for any Individuals and Businesses
@As the company grows, our delivery area and time will continue to expand. Click on the green box below to learn about the current delivery area and time,fee:
Establish the world`s first, [to carry on the way] ~last-mile delivery system in the areas that can be delivered within 12 hours. (including communication software)
Help you BUY in Wholesalers and Manufacturers (+Fram)
@Just started, we use a pre-order mechanism. You pre-order our wholesale price products three days in advance.
You pre-order products content we publish weekly. Our team will integrate everyone`s orders, purchase them from wholesalers(or manufacturers). Every Saturday,make the final confirmation before 1:00pm.Delivery start at 7pm
You can SEll your stuff here
@Sell your products on our FORUM section. What`s unique here is: When your trading is blocked, the platform`s experts and members join in to discuss it (if you so choose),Finally found the solution
You will come up with innovative thinking on various trading models while discussing trading methods. Everyone must maintain a civilized attitude.
Service Method
Pre-Order Mechanism
We release products every Monday (or Tuesday...). You can place (cancel) a pre-order any time before 1:00 pm on Saturday.
We deliver to your door on Saturday 7pm~ on Sunday 3am, if you don`t cancel your order. We currently only deliver one day a week. If the delivery time changes under special circumstances, we will notify everyone in here or in the our group temporarily.
You choose to pick up (or shopping) the goods address. We pick up (or we buy) your goods whatever time that you and us agree..,. We deliver
your parcel to your door on Saturday 7pm~3am of Sunday (Currently)...
NOTE: In order to PREVENT being used by Drud Dealers , We will conduct strict background CHECKS on the person / store !!!
We only serve sign up(free) members, including members of following three groups :
Your member ID number is your address 9 zip-code (please remember).
(1) FB group : ShoppingShipping
(2)Text massage group : 857-205-9888
(3) WeChat group : jinghzheng
1) Our company has the right (unconditional) cancellation (suspension)------Any product (or someone , one day) sale and delivery service.
New customer (Persons being served for the first or second time) must pay cash when you receiving the goods (this policy may changs in future).
Customers can cancel your orders at will before 1:00pm on Saturday. Our company will guarantee the quality of each product.If you have an argument about product quality after receiving the goods ??? You can cancel your order. BUT you may be suspended service for a while.
Our company has the right to limit the quantity of customers purchased !!!
3) Fram fresh meats may be delivery irregularly time (OCCASIONAL DELIVERY MODEL). When 95% of each part of one PIG ( or COW, GOAT) is pre-ordered by everyone (in our group).We will announce the delivery time (will confirm with everyone in advance).
The wholesale FRUIT PRICE and Farm fresh meats price is change often. Please pay attention.(we guarateed wholesale price to you).
Because the farm meat products are slaughtered on the day of delivery (within 12 hours). We strongly recommend you store the meat in the freezer immediately after you receiving meat until cooking. (we use mobile cooler box to deliver the products)
Focused products
Currently we are focusing on fruit for sale.
Guaratee wholesale prices for member
Asian fruits will also be sell
Guaratee wholesale prices for member
Our fruits must be fresher than those in supermarketrs
Guaratee wholesale prices for member
Next product spotlight~ Farm fresh meat
Our BEEF must be fresher than those in supermarketrs
Guaratee the meats from the farm within 23 hours.
Please write down the number on the order form, this indicate the part you purchased
PIG~ Pork
Guaratee the meats from the farm within 23 hours.
Please write down the number on the order form, this indicate the part you purchased
Farm meat selling methods
2)Buy the product you see in the supermarket (description~name).
1) Buy a whole part above show number
Guaratee the meats from the farm within 23 hours.
Please write down the number on the order form, this indicate the part you purchased
Farm meat selling methods
2)Buy the product you see in the supermarket (description~name)
1) Buy a whole part above show number
We use refrigetated trailer to deliver the products
Because the farm meat products are slaughtered on the day of delivery (within 12 hours). We strongly recommend you store the meat in the freezer immediately after you receiving meat until cooking.
About us
Jing Hua Zheng
Project Idea Inventor and first member
Jing Hua Zheng
Inventor of Emergency braking device for unmanned vehicles
Owner post a compliance labor laws
My company is a sole proprietorship, and I am both the boss and the employee, this company will not recuit any employee for a long time in the future...95% of the work content is outsourced, but I ABIDE by labor laws and regulations, here is a POST of a quick search method for labor law , and a link to labor law details (as shown berlow).
Be a partner
First: talents for all positions who need to develop dynamic websites. Next: talents for all positions who need to promote platform business
Develop dynamic website "Master"
Consider equity partners first
Angel investors and Financing talent
Contact Us
Email :
WeChat : jinghzheng
FB : ShoppingShipping group
Cell Phone : 857-205-9888
Leave a message on the site
About us
Contact Info.
WeChat: jinghzheng
FB: ShoppingShipping
Coperight© 2020. jing-hua, zheng